The Mathematics Education Study Program and the Mathematics Education Study Program of FPMIPA UPI in collaboration with the Raudhatul Jannah Cilegon Foundation, MGMP Junior High School Mathematics, MGMP High School Mathematics Cilegon City have organized workshop activities with the theme “Improving Teacher Competence in Scientific Publications and Mathematics Learning Development to Improve Students’ Literacy and Numeracy Skills” on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at the SMAIT Raudhatul Jannah Campus, Cilegon.
There were sessions on Literacy and Numeracy Training for junior high school teachers delivered by Prof. Siti Fatimah, M.Si., delivery of material on Article Writing in Sinta and Scopus indexed Reputable Journals by Dr. Al Azhary Masta, M.Si. and delivery of DDR (UPI) Learning Sharing material to support differentiated government policies by Dr. Entit Puspita. This activity was attended by various junior and senior high school mathematics teachers in Cilegon City.