Five students of upi Mathematics Education Department successfully passed the selection of the regional stage of the National Olympic College of Mathematics (ON MIPA PT) held on April 11-12, 2012. The five students are Salwa Nursyahida, Sofihara Al Hazmi, Sugiri Aryanto, Wahyu Hidayat, and Winda Yulia. Furthermore, they will participate in the selection of the National level held on 12 – 16 May 2012 in Surabaya.
Congratulations on fighting on these five messengers, may get the best results. Thanks to the guidance of the ON MIPA Mathematics team led by Dra. Encum Sumiati, M.Si accompanied by mr. Rizky, bu Siti, pak Sumanang, bu Khusnul, and bu Utari who have been building all morning, day, until night.