On Wednesday, 18 May 2022, the Department of Mathematics Education FPMIPA UPI held a Halal Bihalal event in the context of the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H. Located in Room E405, the event was attended by lecturers, department support staff, and invited guests. Also present were retired lecturers of the Department of Mathematics Education such as Prof. Dr. Hj. Utari Sumarmo and Drs. H. Firdaus, M.Pd.
The event was opened by the Head of the Mathematics Education Department, Dr. H. Dadang Juandi, M. Si. and followed by remarks by retired lecturers. In this event, the Dean of FPMIPA UPI, Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed. The event closed with a prayer together, karaoke, and a group photo.