2013 BEM HIU Manager Appointment

Wednesday, March 13, 2013, bem hiu 2013 manager who has been through several stages of selection, was finally appointed. Bem Hiu 2013 board of 81 students who were students in 2011 and 2012 were appointed directly the Head of Mathematics Education Department of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Mr. Drs. Turmudi, M.Ed., M.Sc., Ph.D.


Here is the list of 2013 SHARK BEM managers, quoted from UPI’s Himatika ‘Identika’


Head of BEM : Farhan Firmansyah Kasim

General Secretary : Mochammad Ginanjar Eka Arli

Deputy General Secretary : Haini Pebriyanti

General Secretary Staff :

1. Endang Cahya Kusumah

2. Syifa Dinni Nurhidayah


General Treasurer : Intan Cahyaningrum

Deputy Treasurer : Ira Zahara Yasminia

General Treasurer Staff :

1. Endah Gustianti Hamzah

2. Supeni


A. I’m not going to Department of Spirituality (DR)

Head of Department : Muhammad Agung Prayogo

Department Secretary : Sani Amaliah


  1. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  2. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  3. Sadiq Khan
  4. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  5. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  6. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  7. Moch. Ramadan Mubarak
  8. Rika Hafidah
  9. Sholihatun Azizah



B. Department of Socio-Political Affairs (DEPSOSPOL)

Head of Department : Sopiyan Alamsah

Department Secretary : Revita Destyana


  1. Azhar Nashrussalam
  2. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  3. Enmufida
  4. Humam Nuralam
  5. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  6. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  7. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  8. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  9. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers


C. Department of Academic Development (DPA)

Head of Department : Muhamad Salman Al Habib

Department Secretary : Asti Asterina


  1. Star January Utomo
  2. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  3. Ghina Farras Ayuningtyas
  4. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  5. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  6. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  7. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  8. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  9. 19Reviews , 10Followers


D. Department of Organizational Development (DPO)

Head of Department : Azhar Majid Hidayat

Department Secretary : Meri Andini


  1. Asep Ridwan Lubis
  2. Ainun Karimah
  3. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  4. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  5. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  6. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  7. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  8. Revaldo
  9. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  10. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  11. Rosi Hardumek
  12. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  13. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  14. Zarra Prameswari


E. Department of Interest and Talent Distribution (DPMB)

Head of Department : Ginanjar Dwiki Nugraha

Department Secretary : Nurul Ayu Muliawati


  1. Ayyuna Zulfa Zahidah
  2. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  3. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  4. Sadiq Khan
  5. Alpian Inspiration
  6. Muhammad Tri Afriyadi Nur Asidin
  7. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  8. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  9. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  10. 19Reviews , 10Followers

F. Department of Communication and Information (DEPKOMINFO)

Head of Department : Muhammad Alfi Syahrin

Department Secretary : Fitria’s Rahayu Ramdhani


  1. Fathia Ramadina
  2. Dini Nurfadilah Ehom
  3. 19 Reviews , 13Followers
  4. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  5. Ira Farida
  6. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  7. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
  8. 19Reviews , 10Followers
  9. 19 Reviews , 13 Followers