Visitasi Accreditation of UPI Mathematics Education Program

Saturday, September 17, 2011, at the JICA FPMIPA UPI building, the FPMIPA Mathematics Education Study Program accreditation event was held by the assesor team of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education. This stressful event was attended by Mr. Turmudi, Ph.D. (Head of Mathematics Education Department), Mrs. DR. Elah Nurlaelah (Secretary of Department), Mr. DR. Dadang Juandi (Head of Mathematics Education Program), Mrs. Entit Puspita, M.Si. (Head of Mathematics Program), faculty and staff in the Department of Mathematics Education, students, also attended alumni from the Mathematics Education Study Program. As an assesor on this visitation is Mr. DR. Swasono Rahardjo, M.Si. and Mr. DR. Kartono.

Before the assessment event opened, the two assesor toured the facilities owned by the majors, including computer laboratories and learning laboratories. The summit began at 11:00 in the Mathematics Education Department room and was opened by Mr. Turmudi as the Head of the Department. Then proceed to the assessment of the study data until about 13:00. And after that, the assessment process is carried out on lecturers, students, and alumni in two different spaces. The event was closed at 16:00 by Mr. Turmudi, and was also attended by Mr. DR. R. Asep Kadarohman as Dean of FPMIPA UPI. This assessment process runs smoothly, and hopefully the grades obtained are the best value for the UPI Mathematics Education Study Program.