>> Mumas BEM Himtika UPI 2021: “Delivering New Lanterns for Prosperous Sharks”

On January 18, 2022 – February 3, 2022, Mathematics Department students affiliated with UPI’s Himtika BEM held an online Community Deliberation (Mumas) through the ZOOM Meeting application. This activity is divided into 13 days in that time span and begins with the determination of the rules, reading the agenda of the event, and determining the presidium of the session. Furthermore, the accountability report and the discharge of the Himtika DPM members were read; as well as the demise of Samsudin as Chair of BEM Himtika for the 2021 period at the end of his term of office.

Through the MUMAS activity, several organizational designs were also approved for the continuation of the new BEM. This is marked by the inauguration of Muhamad Faiz Dhiaulhaq (2020) as Chair of the UPI ‘Identika’ BEM Himtika for the 2022 period and the members of the Himtika DPM, namely:

  1. Rifqy Sayidi Raspati (2019)
  2. Annisa Fitri Adawiyyah (2019)
  3. Maulana Firman Nurdiansyah (2019)
  4. Amelia Yulianisa (2019)
  5. Dhaneswara Luthfiandari Prastowo (2019)
  6. Nova Maulida (2020)
  7. Dhea Cantika (2020)

Hopefully with the participation of the selected students, UPI’s Himtika ‘Identika’ will become even more great and good in contributing to the advancement of the quality of student activities within the Indonesian Education University, especially the Department of Mathematics.