
>> Mathematics Education Study Program Visit to National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Tecnological University, Singapore

Alhamdulillah, a short visit to the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Tecnological University, Singapore has been carried out on July 21-24, 2024. This visit is part of the World Class Professor (WCP)-Like Program 2024 activities funded by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Thank you to Prof. Berinderjeet Kaur for receiving and facilitating this visit. Prof. Kaur […]

>> Mathematics Education Study Program Visit to National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Tecnological University, Singapore Read More »

>> Graduation of the Indonesian University of Education 2024 Phase 2

On Thursday 20 Juny 2024, the Indonesian University of Education held Graduation Phase II. Graduates from the Mathematics Education Study Program who took part in this graduation are:   Fairuz Aulia Shabrina Alya Nisrina Nur A. Almaida Putri Ardhelia Raisya Hizkiya Syabina Farah Septira Oktavia Indah Haryanti Ajeng Mustifah Putri Graduates from the Mathematics Study

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>> UPI Professor’s Inauguration

Wednesday, June 5, 2024, has been held the Inauguration of Professors of The University of Education Indonesia located in JICA Building. Three of them is Prof. Siti Fatimah, S.Pd., M.Si., Ph.D., Prof. Suhendra, M.Ed., Ph.D., and Prof. Suhendra, M.Ed., Ph.D. from the Mathematics Study Program and Mathematics Education Study Program . All academic community of

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>> Practition Lecture with Etsa Indra Irawan, S.Si., M.E.

Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia held a Practition Lecture with Etsa Indra Irawan, S.Si., M.E.. Etsa Indra Irawan, S.Si., M.E. is Data Scientist from eBdesk Teknologi and nugroho is invited as practition lecturer of data processing. This public lecture raised the theme “Official Statistic”. The public lecture attended

>> Practition Lecture with Etsa Indra Irawan, S.Si., M.E. Read More »

>> Practition Lecture with Fakhri Maulana Nurjaman, S.MAT.

Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia held a Practition Lecture with Fakhri Maulana Nurjaman, S.MAT.. Fakhri is Data Scientist from eBdesk Teknologi and Fakhri is invited as practition lecturer of data processing. This public lecture raised the theme “Data Processing and its Application in The World of Work”. The

>> Practition Lecture with Fakhri Maulana Nurjaman, S.MAT. Read More »

>> Practition Lecture with Nugroho Dwi Widodo, S.MAT.

Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia held a Practition Lecture with Nugroho Widodo, S.MAT.. Nugroho is Data Scientist from eBdesk Teknologi and nugroho is invited as practition lecturer of graph theory. This public lecture raised the theme “Social Network Analysis”. The public lecture attended by students of the Mathematics

>> Practition Lecture with Nugroho Dwi Widodo, S.MAT. Read More »

>> Students of Mathematics Study Program FPMIPA UPI Successfully Passed to ONMIPA-PT National Level

The entire academic community of the Department of Mathematics Education FPMIPA UPI congratulates Hukmashabiyya Ariq Gumilar as a participant who has successfully passed to the National ONMIPA stage. The selection of the National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Higher Education (ONMIPA-PT) Regional Level was held on April 24-25 2024. This activity was organized by

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>> Practition Lecture with Widianto Nugroho, S.Sn. & Taufik Firdaus, S.Ds.

Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia held a Practition Lecture with Widianto Nugroho, S.Sn. and Taufik Firdaus, S.Ds. from the Bandung Institute of Technology. This public lecture raised the theme “Graphic Design & Animation”. The public lecture attended by students of the Mathematics Study Program in Mathematics Education was

>> Practition Lecture with Widianto Nugroho, S.Sn. & Taufik Firdaus, S.Ds. Read More »

>> ONMIPA Regional Selection 2024

On April 24-25 2024, the Mathematics Education Study Program and Mathematics Study Program UPI sent student representatives to the ON MIPA phase II selection activity organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Participants who took part in this selection were: Lianna Rizky Gunawan (2003073) Matematika Hukmashabiyya Ariq Gumilar (2107873) Matematika M. Chandra

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