Published in Journal of Infinity STKIP Siliwangi Bandung Vol 3, No.2, September 2014
Dewi Rachmatin (
FPMIPA UPI Mathematics Education Courses
Cluster Analysis is a data grouping analysis that groups data based on the information found in the data. The purpose of cluster analysis is for objects in one group to have similarities to each other whereas with different objects the groups have differences. Cluster analysis is divided into two methods: the hierarchy method and the non-hierarchy method. The hierarchy method is divided into two, namely the agglomerative and divisive methods. The methods included in the agglomerative method are Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward’s Method, Centroid Method and Median Method. In this article discussed these agglomerative methods applied to air pollution level data. Each of these methods provides a different number of clusters.
Keywords : Cluster Analysis, Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward’s Method, Centroid Method and Median Method.