A total of 26 students from the UPI Mathematics Education Department successfully passed the internship selection in the Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB) program at Merdeka Campus 2022. Implementation of Internships and Independent Studies carried out for five months starting February 2022 – July 2022.
The Certified Independent Study and Internship Program is an Independent Campus Program that aims to provide a space for students to gain hands-on experience in the professional and industrial world as well as develop themselves through off-campus education for 1-2 semesters and can be equivalent to 20 credits.
During the program, students will gain hard skills (skills, complex problem solving, analytical skills, etc.), as well as soft skills (professional/work ethics, communication, collaboration, etc.). Meanwhile, the industry gets talent which, if suitable, can be recruited immediately, thereby reducing the cost of recruitment and initial/induction training.
Difference Between Internship and Independent Study
Independent Campus Certified Internship is a programam accelerated internships are accelerated with well-designed learning experiences. The internship program is carried out like an internship in general in order to gain experience in concepts “work practice” which are actually. Internships on this independent campus are carried out in companies, non-profit organizations, government agenciesgovernment, or start-up company.
Independent Study Certified Independent Campus is different from Internship. This program is an activity with the concept of “learning” in a class that is specially designed and made by the company/industry (or it can be likened to training/training in a company). This program can be in the form of short courses, bootcamps, massively open online courses (MOOC) and others.
What do Students get in an Independent Campus Certified Internship?
In a certified internship program, students will carry out activities and get benefits, namely:
- Student Internship in a recognized company and registered at the Ministry of Education and Technology for 1-2 full semesters.
- Pocket money and living expenses during the internship are subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Culture
- Students who participate in full will get a competency certificate from the company after completing the internship
- And of course the experience and relationships are very valuable.
In the internship process, students will also get:
- Given real problems that impact on company performance and work in groups;
- Be mentored by professional staff mentors on a full-time basis in a structured internship program;
- Minimum internship period of 18 weeks; and
- Students are given certification according to their performance during the internship.
What do Students get in Independent Campus Certified Independent Studies?
In a certified independent study program, students will carry out activities and get benefits, namely:
- Independent study students participate in a certification program or short course organized by the company and recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture for 1 to 2 full semesters
- Participation costs and living costs during independent studies are subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Culture
- Students receive a certificate if they pass a certification program or short course
- And of course the experience and relationships are very valuable.
Similar to certified internships, this independent study program will also be guided by professional mentors in their respective fields.
The following is a list of the names of students who have successfully passed the MSIB 2022 program!
Description: Student Name_Position_Company Partner
- Derry Romeo (Content Development Intern – Zenpro | Zenius Education)*
- Annisa Fitri (Human Capital Database & Digital Processing | Bank Syariah Indonesia or BSI)*
- Denata Arif Nur Muhamad (Front End Javascript | Binar Academy)
- Azri Ansori Rahman (Accelerated Machine Learning Program | Zenius Education)
- Razka Divaniza Mukti (Data Warehousing, Analysis, and Visualization for Business Insights | Zenius Education)
- Dhimas Hanif Taufiqurrahman (Microcredential Game Developer | ICE Institute)
- Muhammad Reyhan Zelvian (Front End Javascript | Binar Academy)
- Shellya Nur Atqiya (Data Warehousing, Analysis, and Visualization for Business Insights | Zenius Education)
- Fanny Febryani (Artificial Intelligence Mastery Program | Orbit Future Academy )
- Gusti Hamzah Allifa Putra Bukhori (Accelerated Digital Marketing Program | Zenius Education)
- Ruhullah Reza Muhammad Khan (Backend Javascript | Binar Academy)
- Sinaga’s Personal Diory (Fullstack Web | Binar Academy)
- Zahra Agusfiyanti Nurlaila (RevoU Tech Academy – Product, Data & Marketing | RevoU)
- Rayhan Fauzan (Data, Business Analytics & Operations Bootcamp | Ruangguru)
- Khairunnisa Aulia Azzahra (Data, Business Analytics & Operations Bootcamp | Ruangguru)
- Erina Nur Susilowati (Data Warehousing, Analysis, and Visualization for Business Insights | Zenius Education)
- Putri Beliani (Data Warehousing, Analysis, and Visualization for Business Insights | Zenius Education)
- Hasna Razan Alkhansa (Data Warehousing, Analysis, and Visualization for Business Insights | Zenius Education)
- Dhaneswara Luthfiandari Prastowo (Data Warehousing, Analysis, and Visualization for Business Insights | Zenius Education)
- Milhatunnisa Marits (Corporate Social Responsibility | Paragon)*
- Muhammad Dias Syahrian (Future Educator Intern | Zenius Education)*
- Putri Febrianti (Data Warehousing, Analysis, and Visualization for Business Insights | Zenius Education)
- Azhara Distyani Suryono (21st Century Educator | Sekolah.mu )
- Muhammad Sidiq Pramono (Artificial Intelligence Mastery Program | Orbit Future Academy)
- Annisa Ul Husnah (Web Development | Zenius Education)
- Ratih Nur Puspita Dewi (Data, Business Analytics & Operations Bootcamp | Ruangguru)
There is a sign * = Intern
The one at the end is not marked * = Independent Study