Silaturahim Family Mathematics Education Department

On Tuesday, February 15, 2011, a large family of mathematics education majors such as lecturers, businesses, staff, workers and assistants of the Mathematics Lab traveled to bogor area. A large family of math majors is certainly accompanied by their respective families. This trip became a means of tightening the contact and ukhuwah of large families majoring in mathematics with each other.

Arriving in Bogor, the big family went straight to a famous tourist park called “Taman Wisata Matahari” at about 10.30 WIB. Lots of activities to do there. Among them was a conversation between families, especially the families who had just built a household ark, about an hour. This conversation made the atmosphere warmer, as some lecturers became speakers. Until the usual event but became so memorable, namely the reading of prayer by our beloved lecturer who is familiarly called Pak Cece. Where before reciting the prayer, he gave advice delivered through the song that sontak made the big families there give cheers and applause a heartfelt and happy sign that was unthinkable.

The event didn’t stop there, after eating together, the big families of majors were given the opportunity to play with their families. Some ride safari cars, Bumper Boats, motorboats, gayung boats and others. This event can indeed be used as a release of fatigue from all the wrinkles and holiday facilities for the large families majoring in Mathematics.

Hopefully this event strengthens the relationship and brotherhood of the big family of Mathematics education in the future. That his love for one another is a noble deed.


