Do you know what DPM is? DPM stands for Student Representative Council. Well DPM HIMATIKA ‘Identika’ UPI is the Student Representative Council of Mathematics. In connection with the establishment of the new management in 2011, let’s get to know who are the members of DPM HIMATIKA ‘Identika’ UPI.
For the management of this period 2011, the same as the previous year, numbered eight people. At a glance we will introduce one by one:
1. Deni Ramdan Faturrohman, a student born in Sumedang was elected chairman of the Board based on the consensus of board members. This third-year student was born on July 09, 1990. Quiet. Wise. Adult.
2. Riki Andriatna, born on August 14, 1988 in Kuningan and now serves as Secretary of the Council. This third-year student is a religious, kind, constitutionalist. 🙂
3. Asep Saeful Ulum, a debating, humorous, and moody student was born in Subang, December 4, 1990. Now active in the Aspiration Commission. New level two.
4. Fitriana Hastika, a student from Lampung was born on February 22, 1990. The owner of this durable property diligently brings souvenirs 🙂 Now he’s placed on the Aspiration Commission. He’s third grade.
5. Gina Nurinnadia, a third-grade student is famously Assertive and Accurate. 🙂 Born in Cirebon, on the 12th day of the tenth month of 1990. Now active on the Oversight Commission.
6. Evi Nur Aprianti, the owner of this high voice was born on April 08, 1991. A third-year student and now active on the Oversight Commission. Born in Kuningan.
7. Irmayani. Religious. Quiet. It’s still level three. This student was born in Riau on September 12, 1990. Active in the Legislation Commission.
8. Enung Sayyidah Mahmudah, the youngest, is still in the first level. Religious. Good. Diligent. Born in Sukabumi, November 27, 1992. Now active in the Legislation Commission.