In recent years, through the guidance of lecturers, UPI’s Department of Mathematics Education has successfully sent its students to various math competitions and olympics and achieved outstanding achievements, both at naional and international levels, including sending students to the International Mathematics Olympics in Iran.
Similarly, some lecturers are active in coaching and become judges on the olympic mathematics, both national and international levels for primary and secondary education levels.
Here are some academic achievements of students in the Department of Mathematics Education in the last 5 years:
- Al Jupri, a student of the Mathematics Education Study Program, represented Indonesia in the International Olympiad on Mathematics in Tehran Iran in 2004
- Trisno Ikhwanuddin, a student of the Mathematics Study Program represented Indonesia in the International Olympiad on Mathematics in Tehran Iran in 2005 and won a bronze medal.
- Herdi Sulaeman, a student of the Mathematics Study Program represented Indonesia in the International Olympiad on Mathematics in Tehran Iran in 2006.
- Enjun Junaeti, a student of the Mathematics Study Program became one of the representatives of Team Indonesia in the International Olympiad on Mathematics in Tehran Iran in 2008.
In addition to academic achievement, students of the Department of Mathematics Education also achieve achievements in the field of interest and talent, among others in the field of sports and organization.
Here are some of the achievements of students in the field of organization and interests and talents of recent years:
- Eri Pebrianti, student of the Mathematics Education Study Program, 1th Place in the women’s KKI National Championship between universities.
- Tian, a student of the Mathematics Education Study Program in 2008 became one of the participants of the exchange of students to Malaysia.
- Indra Bastian Tahir, a student of the Mathematics Study Program in 2004 became one of the participants of the Comparative Study to Malaysia.