Visit of Mathematics Education Department of Gorontalo State University

On Thursday, May 3, 2012, UPI Mathematics Education Department received a visit from Lecturers and Students of Mathematics Education Department of Gorontalo State University. This visit was led by the Head of Mathematics Education Department of Gorontalo State University, Lailany Yahya’s mother.

In this visit, Mr. Erman Suherman, M.Pd had the opportunity to give learning media material and continued with material about thesis from Dr Jarnawi Afgani. Furthermore, the guests saw props made by students of the UPI Department of Mathematics Education in the Learning Laboratory and looked around the UPI Department of Mathematics Education through the Department’s website and tried computer laboratory production software.

Hopefully with this visit, there will be a relationship between upi Mathematics Education Department and UNG Mathematics Education Department. We apologize for any shortcomings in the reception of the visit.