It was announced at the Second International Conference on Primary Education at UPI Sumedang Campus, October 29, 2011
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Department of Mathematics Education FPMIPA UPI Bandung
Rapid advances in video-camera technology allow us to video the learning fields of mathematics and science in the classroom for learning or research purposes on a small scale. One of the advantages of using video to cover learning for teachers and prospective teachers is that videos raise research questions and analysis categories arising from data in the form of videos and actual events in the classroom can be observed over and over again.
Teacher quality improvement programs have been widely carried out. However, such activities do not provide meaningful changes to learning in the classroom. After participating in a master’s activity, the way teachers teach is still like before participating in the management activities (Widodo, 2006). The same is happening to prospective teachers. Although in lectures students are taught by various methods but when they practice teaching in schools, the way they teach does not show any meaningful innovation (Widodo, 2006). This indicates the need for new alternatives to improve the teaching ability of teachers/prospective teachers.
Through Lesson Study activities that have been pioneered since 2006 samapai 2010 in Sumedang Regency (activities carried out in cooperation with JICA “Japan Incorporation Agency“, DIKTI, FPMIPA UPI Bandung and Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Sumedang) has made efforts to improve the teaching skills of mathematics and science teachers (Chemistry, Physics and Biology). Especially for biology teachers/ prospective teachers have been made efforts to develop the professionalism of biology teachers by Widodo et al. (2007) through a video-based coaching program package.
Keywords : video, improving teacher teaching skills, developing teacher professionalism.
Hendriana, D. and Dewi Rachmatin, (2007). Use of Learning Videos to Develop Teacher Professionalism Through Lesson Study Activities. National Conference lesson study. Bandung : FPMIPA UPI Bandung.
Stigler, J. (2002). Creating a Knowledge Base for Teaching: A Conversation with James Stigler. Redesigning Professional Development. Vol. 59, No. 6, Pages 6-11. Educational Leadership. [Available Online :].
Widodo, A. Riandi, Amprasto & Ana Ratna Wulan. (2006). Analysis of the impact of science teacher professionalism improvement programs on improving the quality of science learning in schools. Research report of Balitbang Policy Grant Ministry.
Widodo, A. Riandi and Supriatno, (2007). Development of Video-Based Coaching Program Package to improve teaching skills of teachers and prospective biology teachers. Competing Grant Research Report.