Want your holiday to be memorable and meaningful? Yuk… join all at UPI’s PPM Himatika ‘Identika’ 2011 event. Successful with PPM 2010 and PPM activities in previous years, UPI’s BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ again presented PPM 2011 with the theme “Science Tourism as a forum for contact and the embodiment of virtuous human beings” What the hell is the Content of the Event that we will work on there tuh????
The form of Community Service activities in 2011 is in the form of.
- Teaching Field :
- Teaching to Schools
- Math Games Elementary School Level
- Exhibitions and Demonstrations
- Hand Washing and Toothbrush Training
- Reading Park
- Field of Service :
- Skills Training
- Cheap Market
- Garbage Bin Procurement
- Friendly Matches
- Routine Studies
- Free Treatment
PPM Implementation
Date : June 26-July 2, 2011
Place : Margamukti Village, Kec. Pangalengan, Kab. Bandung
Partipation Shape
You can also participate by working on items such as berkut:
- Palapa (clothing worth wearing)
- Used bottles
- Used clothes
- Good book (make nambahin collection TAMAN READING)
All forms of such goods can be distributed to CP: 085221058314
How to Join
Joining the participants can also be loh. Cheap kok Cuman Rp. 120,000.00/mhs
Sign up directly for CP:
1. 0852 212 505 89 (webby)
2. 0856 948 88924 (ari)
3. Can contact the class leader or PJ PPM in their respective classes