>> Improving Motivation of Algorithmic And Programming Lecture 2 Through e-Learning (by Rini Marwati, Khusnul Novianingsih, and Dewi Rachmatin)

It was announced at the Second International Conference on Primary Education at UPI Sumedang Campus, October 29, 2011

Rini Marwati, Khusnul Novianingsih, and Dewi Rachmatin

Department of Mathematics Education

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education

Indonesian University of Education


The rapid advancement of science and technology, especially information and communication technology (ICT) affects daily human life. In line with that, the advancement of network technology and the development of the internet enable the application of this technology in various fields including in the field of education or training. In the future, the application of internet technology in the field of education and training will be needed in order to improve and equalize the quality of education, especially in Indonesia whose territory is spread across a very remote area. So it is necessary to have the right and quick solution in addressing various problems related to the quality of education now.

A person who is unable to attend conventional education due to several causative factors such as geographical conditions, having to work, long distances, impossible physical conditions, it is possible to continue learning through e-learning, a remote education application.

With internet-based remote education applications such as e-learning, the reliance on distance and time required for education and training will be addressed, as everything necessary will be available online so that it can be accessed at any time. Web is one of the internet technology that has developed for a long time and is most commonly used in the implementation of education and remote training(e-Learning). E-learning or electronic learning is now increasingly known as one way to solve educational problems, both in developed countries and in developing countries.

Many education experts define e-learning such as Thomson, Ganxglass, and Simon (in Purbo, 2003) that e-learning is a learning experience delivered through electronic technology. E-learning can also be defined as an effort to connect learners (learners) with learning resources (databases,experts / instructors) that are physically separate or even distant but can communicate, interact or collaborate directly /synchronously and indirectly (asynchronous). E-learning is a form of distance learning or training that utilizes telecommunications and information technology such as internet, video/audiobroadcasting, video/audioconferencing,CD-ROOM (directly and indirectly).

E-learning activities include individualized learning models. According to Loftus (2001) and Siahaan (2004) e-learning activities are more democratic than conventional learning activities, because students have freedom and do not feel worried, hesitant or afraid, either to ask questions / responses because no other learner physically observes, and the inability to comment, disparage, or ridicule questions or statements. The profile of an e-learning participant is someone who; (1) have a high self-learning motivation and have a commitment to study in earnest because the responsibility of learning is entirely on the learning participants themselves; (2) enjoy studying and conducting studies, love to read for the sake of continuous self-development, and to enjoy freedom; (3) experiencing failure in certain courses and requiring a successor or requiring material that is not presented, or who wishes to expedite graduation so as to take several other courses through e-learning, as well as being forced to leave the house due to various considerations.

There are three functions of electronic learning (e-learning with electronic media) to learning activities, namely: (1) supplements (additionally), said to serve as supplements (additional), when students have freedom of choice, generic provigil http://www.canadianpharmacy365.net/product/provigil/, of course for someone who utilizes it will have additional knowledge or insight; (2) complementary, is said to serve as a complement when electronic learning materials are programmed to complement the learning materials received by students (Lewis, 2002 which aims to make students easier to understand the learning materials presented by instructors; (3) substitutions, some institutions in developed countries provide several alternative models of learning activities to their students, the purpose of which is for students to flexibly manage their lecture activities in accordance with the time and other daily activities of students.

According to the results of Graham and Misanchuk’s research (in Roberts, 2004), with the increasing availability of computer technology and internet learning environments through computers increasing in college. At the same time there has been increased awareness among educators and researchers of the importance of human interaction in the learning process. Computer-mediated groupwork is a learning strategy that combines online technology with human interaction.

Based on that exposure and looking at the function or usefulness of e-learning, researchers are interested in knowing the effectiveness of lectures by using e-learning from a student’s point of view. Therefore, in this study, a questionnaire will be given to students who have participated in Algorithm and Programming 2 lectures in the even semester of 2009/2010. The questionnaire is intended to evaluate the results of the study of Algorithm and Programming 2 courses that have been implemented in the even semester of 2009/2010, in order to provide useful input for improvement on the lack of implementation of algorithmic and programming 2 lectures utilizing e-learning in the following year. So that indirectly the implementation of this research can improve the quality of learning of these courses.
