>> 8th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar

Theme: Enhancing the quality of research and practice in Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education through the application of Information and Communications Technology

Welcoming Message MSCEIS 2021

We cordially welcome you to join the 8th International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS) 2021, organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education (FPMIPA), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. MSCEIS has been an annual conference since 2013, but due to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, MSCEIS 2020 has been cancelled.

MSCEIS 2021 will take place in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia on Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 with the theme “Enhancing the quality of research and practice in Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education through the application of Information and Communications Technology”. This seminar presents keynote speakers, featuring Kwang-Ho Lee, Ph.D. from Korea National University of Education, Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Asif Khan, M.Sc., Ph.D. from Perdana University and …

Apart from the seminar, the 8th MSCEIS will feature lectures from universities that are members of the Indonesian MIPA LPTK Association, as well as presenters who will discuss their research in relation to the MSCEIS 2021 scopes. Pure and applied mathematics; science and technology; information and technology; and mathematics, science, and computer science education are included in these areas. The 8th MSCEIS will be held virtually due to the rising number of Corona cases in Indonesia and across the globe.

Call for Paper

We openly receive abstracts and papers on mathematics, science, and computer science education to be submitted for this seminar. The seminar will be conducted in English and will accept oral presentations only. English must be used in the writing and presentation of the papers. The oral presentation must be recorded and limited to 15 to 20 minutes in duration.

Please visit the submission system if you wish to contribute to this seminar, either as a single author or as a team.

Keynote Speaker:
☆ Prof. Kwangho Lee, Ph.D
(Mathematics Education – Korea National University of Education, South Korea)
☆ Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Asif Khan, M.Sc., Ph.D
(Data Science, Bioinformatics – Perdana University Malaysia)
☆ Dr. Sandra Ortega Martorell
(School of Computer Science and Mathematics – Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)

For further information, please visit
Website http://msceis.conference.upi.edu/2021

Email: msceis@upi.edu
WhatsApp: +62-823-6515-3678 (Yusnita Renata Tamba) or
+62-823-0677-6115 (Trisna Dewi)
Instagram: @msceis.upi2021
Facebook: Msceis UPI 2021