>> Euclide

Hello Everyone! How important do you think cadreization is for an organization?? Yes, of course cadreization is very important for the running of an organization whether it is a student organization or a community to create cadres who excel and dare as holders of leadership relay sticks in the future. Well, of course BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI has one of the cadres proker run by the Organizational Development Division. The proker is Education of Leadership or we are familiar with EUCLID.

Euclid is a series of cadreization bem Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI in the form of education and training in forming young members himatika ‘Identika’ UPI to be a superior student and dare to lead. This cadreization has a focus on helping the adaptation process of cadreization participants, especially new students in 2020 who have to undergo online lectures during this pandemic. In addition, Euclid aims to instill exemplary traits and leadership characters into the object of cadreization in accordance with the cadreization curriculum that has been prepared before. With this Euclid, it is expected to establish a sense of kinship between the new students of the Upi Department of Mathematics Education.

This euclid consists of 3 series of cadreization conducted online: the Guidance Period, Student Leadership Training and Cadreization Project. First there is a period of guidance or abbreviated MABIM which is a guidance activity for participants in groups guided by one mentor and one assistant mentor. Second there is Leadership Training or MFI. MFI is an activity in the form of characterization and planting to the object of cadreization online. This activity was held as many as four meetings with presenters who are reliable and cool loh, of course it will be very sorry if missed. Other activities that are no less interesting than this MFI are the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), simulation of the trial and the election of the chairman of the class of 2020. That’s cool! Hopefully it can be a picture for the new students yes.

There is one activity that is PROJECTION or Kaderisasi Project which is an advanced stage in the cadreization series. In this activity, participants as objects of cadreization were given a task force to design a project themed education, environment and social. In carrying out their duties, they are guided and directed directly by SC and the Steering Committee from the EUCLID 2020 Committee. Later, the participants should be able to complete the project, as well as present it at the 2020 HIU PROJECTION summit.

All of Euclid’s series of activities took place online, and certainly during this pandemic panita must extra prepare everything very carefully. Various obstacles were present in the midst of the preparation of this Euclid event, one of the fundamental problems is the communication problem that depends on the internet network and can potentially cause miss communication. In addition, the planting of character towards new students is considered less than maximum because of the situation that is all online. Euclid’s committees, however, were able to address these communication problems. They are able to make the most of the technological developments in this EUCLID activity. Then for the planting of its own character it can be the responsibility of all HIU citizens to direct and exemplify good character to the cadreization participants.

Let’s see the people behind the scenes, one of whom is Samsudin he is the Chief Executive of EUCLID 2020 who comes from mathematics education class A. He himself is a cirebon resident. In carrying out his mandate, Samsudin was accompanied by some great and cool committees consisting of the class of 2019 and 2018. He thanked the organizers, who have dedicated themselves to this committee. Surely the organizers must remember well one of the messages that he often arrives in every meeting, namely “Mengkader is the work of the heart. If it is not from the heart, it will never reach the heart.” Waahh is really cool to agree with. With this cadreization hopefully many good things can be obtained in this committee, he also advised if there are no advantages then take the existing shortcomings to be used as a lesson so as not to repeat itself.

There are those who want to nyampein impression euclid activities, who else if not mr. Kaang 2020 namely Rizky. According to Rizky as one of the cadreization participants, this kegitan is considered to have gone very well, where the process of making it through personal approach and diversity, and there are also mentors who make Rizky seneng loh guys. With the mentor, the participants felt able to be open to express their grievances as new students. Another one ya Rizky also thanked the organizers who have named and guided the participants Euclid “You are all really great, already inspired a lot”. Wahhh cool bangettt nihhh Thanks also from mimin because Akang Teteh committee has fought wellkkkk …