>> Community Service department of Mathematics Education 2021

The Department of Mathematics Education held a community service activity with the theme ‘Training on Improving The Competence of Mathematics Teachers in Mathematical Problem Solving. This activity lasts for 4 days, from July 29th to August 1st. The event was opened by the Head of UPI’s Department of Mathematics Education, Dr. Dadang Juandi, M.Si. This activity was attended by more than 150 participants consisting of junior high and high school teachers in West Java, but there were also some participants from outside West Java such as Bengkulu.

The first session-1 day of training focused on algebra and Linear Program problem solving tips and tricks with presenter team Dr. Sumanang Muhtar G. S.Si., M.Si., Fitiriani Agustina, S.Si., M.Si., Utari Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Kom., and Lukman, S.Si., M.Si.

The 2nd session of the material focused on tips and tricks on solving the problem of Number Theory, Mathematical Induction and Number Line with a team of presenters Dr. Al Azhary Masta, M.Si., Imam Nugraha, M.Si., Ph.D., and Ririn Sispiyati, S.Pd. M.Si.

This service was organized by upi Department of Mathematics Education with the committee: Dr. Al Azhary Masta (Chairman), Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, M.Si., Fitriani Agustina, S.Si., M.Si., Dr. Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan, M.Kes., Irfan Maulana, Badai Sapta Maulana, Salma Sabila, Ilham Fikriansyah, Vega Dwi Nurani, and Reka Septiani, S.Mat.

This training will continue the second day, Thursday, July 30, 2021.