Hello FPMIPA residents, mimin want to ngenalin one of the proker in the Mathematics Association Identika UPI or we know with BEM HIU. This program has been run by the management of BEM HIU 2020, and is shaded by the Academic Development Division. The activity is related to mathematics loh and the form of a race, it must be fun and challenging right. Cluenya is a new activity held by BEM HIU. At tau ga nih must be curious right ya??
Well the new work program at BEM HIU is CONCRETE. What is CONCRETE?? CONCRETE stands for Creative Mathematics Online Competition. The purpose of this activity is to be a way for mathematics to be more fun for students. Although the implementation of this activity took place online during the pandemic, of course this activity is no less exciting than the previous activities. KONKRIT itself was carried out as a replacement for last year’s work program, namely GMM which could not be carried out this year due to impossible circumstances.
As mimin explained earlier that this activity is a race, certainly on wondering what the hell the race is in KONKRIT. Yukk lagsung aja mimin sebutin ya, the branch of the competition consists of poetry copyright competitions and posters held for the public. For students, whether it’s S1/D3, there is lemnas univ competition, not to forget also for high school there is a high school lemnas competition. Fun and challenging right surely?? Anyone participated ga nih yesterday race?? It must be fun dong ya event.
Although the implementation of this CONCRETE takes place online, it certainly does not reduce the excitement of this activity. CONCRETE managed to attract many fans loh, participants whose list reached hundreds. It’s so cool!
For those of you who participated in the race yesterday, you’re really cool. Competing with that many people is definitely not an easy thing. Therefore mimin want to give shoutout first nih for cool winners of the race that has been held in the framework of this CONCRETE event. Make other friends who have not won, do not be discouraged yes. Try again yukk for other races. Anyway mimin salute you all, you guys are great!
Eitss wait ya, there’s a message from akang teteh that yesterday was behind the scenes. For those of you who may want to be part of this great event in the next year, keep the spirit yes in carrying out all the trust that you hold and if there is a bad thing that happens make learning so as not to repeat itself in the future. And lastly the message of this great akang teteh, is to still enjoy all the processes that exist, because the process that will be passed later will make you become a better person in the future. Tuh guys, already disemangatin same akang teteh #KECE from behind the scenes of the show CONCRETE. If so mimin also want to semangatin you ah all want to close the stories first nyaa. Keep the spirit going all the time!!

(Eneng Riska Nuraeni)