One of the activities of the TEMBERENG work program is the PKM 2022 Seminar. This year’s PKM Seminar carries the theme “The Role of PKM in Preparing Future-Oriented Student Resources”. This seminar was held on Saturday, July 2, 2022 from 09.00 to 12.30 WIB. This activity was attended by 97 participants in the
which consists of participants, organizers, supervisors, lecturers, and speakers.
talk show
. This PKM Seminar activity is in the form of a presentation,
, and a Q&A session.
The event was hosted by MC namely Khoirunnisa Maulidina and Nisrina Ramadhani Listarto (Mathematics Education Student 2021). Furthermore, the event continued with the recitation of the holy Qur’an by Rayhan Tri Septian (Mathematics Education Student 2021). After the recitation of the holy Qur’an, there were remarks from the chief executive, Putri Pitroturohmah (Mathematics Education Student 2021). The event continued with remarks from the chairman of BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI for the 2022 period, Muhamad Faiz Dhiaulhaq (Mathematics Education Student 2020). Then, remarks from the TEMBERENG supervisor by Mrs. Dra. Hj. Rini Marwati, M.S. Then, remarks from the head of the UPI mathematics department by Mr. Dr. H. Dadang Juandi, M.Si., because Mr. Dr. H. Dadang Juandi, M.Si. could not attend, the event immediately continued with the next agenda, namely the first speaker.
The first presentation was guided by moderator 1, Dhea Cantika (2020 Mathematics Education Student). The first PKM presentation was delivered by Mr. Al Jupri S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D. This presentation went smoothly, namely about PKM from the objectives, philosophy, to tips for getting proposals funded. After the presentation, the event continued with a question and answer session as well as
closing statement
from the speaker.
Next, the second presentation was hosted by moderator 2, Ulfi Khoeriah (2021 Mathematics Education Student). This second presentation took the form of talkshow by the three speakers who are students who passed the PKM funding, namely Kang Dandi Ramadhan, Teh Tsania Rahmatin, and Kang Ahmad Rajib Muhaemin. In the session
, resource person
about his experience in preparing proposals so that they can qualify for funding. After that, the event continued with a question and answer session and also
closing statement
from the three speakers to encourage the participants to try participating in PKM.
Alifiani Azkiyah