>> Webinar Gema Mahasiswa Matematika (GMM) UPI 2022

On Sunday, August 28, 2022, the Academic Development Division committee of BEM Himatika Identika UPI successfully held the 2022 Mathematics Student Echo Webinar. This GMM (Gema Mahasiswa Matematika) Webinar activity was attended by 186 participants with 139 participants, 40 organizers, and 7 invited guests. The theme for the GMM 2022 webinar is “Inspirational Mathematics Learning Innovations in Facing the Learning Loss Phenomenon to Prepare a Golden Generation that is informed and qualified”.

This webinar began with remarks from the Chief Executive of GMM 2022 (Rahmanda Amrullah). After that, it was continued with remarks from the Head of BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI for the 2022 Period (Muhamad Faiz Dhiaulhaq) and remarks from the GMM 2022 Supervisor (Dr. Al Azhary Masta, S.Si., M.Si). After the speech, the event was handed over from the MC to the moderator (Ulfi Khoeriah) by reading the moderator’s CV first. The moderator reads the resource person’s CV before starting the presentation. The resource person for this webinar was Mr. Al Jupri, S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D. The presentation started at 08.37 WIB and finished at 09.24 WIB. In the question and answer session, participants were very enthusiastic to ask questions. However, due to time constraints, there were only 4 questions answered, namely questions from Mr. Dadan Ramdhani, Mrs. Faliqul, Mr. Firda, and Mr. Suprihono.

One of the objectives of holding this webinar is to publicize the competition that will be contested at GMM 2022. So, after the presentation, the committee filled the event with the publication of the competition and opened a question and answer session as well so that participants would understand more about the branch of the competition that would be held. After all the events were completed, there were door prize announcements for participants in the first registrant category, namely Salisa Alifia, the first questioner during the presentation, namely Mr. Dadan Ramdhani, and the first questioner during the publication of the competition branch, namely Mrs. Umi Lutfiah. After that, the event ended with a documentation session. Overall, the event went smoothly.