On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, has conducted an online graduation ceremony through a video conference zoom. All academic community of the Ministry of Mathematics Education congratulates the graduates of period III in 2020. 55 of them are graduates from the Department of Mathematics Education. 35 graduates from the Mathematics Education study program and 20 others are graduates of the Mathematics Study Program.
Here is a list of graduates of period III Graduation from the Ministry of Mathematics Education:
- Agis Kusmawan (Mathematics Education)
- Anieu Pebrianti (Mathematics Education)
- Anggita Rizki Handayu (Mathematics Education)
- Aprilian Hidayat (Mathematics Education)
- Atikah Mumtazah (Mathematics Education)
- Dina Mauliddiana (Mathematics Education)
- Dita Wulan Karisma (Mathematics Education)
- Fawaz Ramadlan (Mathematics Education)
- Fina Najma Amalia (Mathematics Education)
- Hanne Ayuningtias Elsa (Mathematics Education)
- Iroh Samrotul Janiah (Mathematics Education)
- Laila Maya Santi (Mathematics Education)
- Lisa Damayanti Ningrum (Mathematics Education)
- M. Dzikri Muzhaffar (Mathematics Education)
- Melinda Krisdianti (Mathematics Education)
- Mustika Ayu Sundanis (Mathematics Education)
- Muthia Chairina (Mathematics Education)
- Nabila Cynthia Rayhan (Mathematics Education)
- Nabilah Ulfah Putri Nusanjaya (Mathematics Education)
- Nadya Syifa Utami (Mathematics Education)
- Nurina Fadlila Shaumi (Mathematics Education)
- Nurmala Anggraeni (Mathematics Education)
- Olga Haryati (Mathematics Education)
- Putri Rahmi Pertiwi (Mathematics Education)
- Risma Agustia Yudiani (Mathematics Education)
- Sabila Mukhlishonisa (Mathematics Education)
- Shanti Nur Fajriyati (Mathematics Education)
- Sina Ramdhani (Mathematics Education)
- Siti Kurnia Nurjannah (Mathematics Education)
- Suci Widiasari (Mathematics Education)
- Syifa Aliifah (Mathematics Education)
- Syifa Nuraeni Kartika (Mathematics Education)
- Vira Viranty Putri (Mathematics Education)
- Yolanda Nur Aulia (Mathematics Education)
- Yullian Rachmat Yudhi S (Mathematics Education)
- Anisa Siti Maryam (Mathematics)
- Athiyah Rizqillah Adzhari (Mathematics)
- Cangra Nalika Khadijah (Mathematics)
- Della Annisa Zahra (Mathematics)
- Fidya Khairini Rahayu (Mathematics)
- Fitri Rokhmatillah (Mathematics)
- Imam Aji Nugroho (Mathematics)
- Kamal Isham (Mathematics)
- M. Rizqi Ramadhan (Mathematics)
- Mia Kusmiati (Mathematics)
- Mila Nurmalasari (Mathematics)
- Muhammad Naufal Atalla (Mathematics)
- Muhammad Nur Hidayat (Mathematics)
- Novelia Tria Ashar (Mathematics)
- Pradipta Swiantana Prayoga (Mathematics)
- Risyqaa Syafitri (Mathematics)
- Rizza Lestari (Mathematics)
- Sahl Fawzy Sutopo (Mathematics)
- Wianjani (Mathematics)
- Winda Sari Sukarna (Mathematics)
Congratulations to the graduates for their graduation and the degree given get a blessing. May it achieve all its goals. Student Spirit of Life!!!
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