Tuesday, October 23, 2012, the Department of Mathematics Education, University of Education Indonesia received a visit from the Mathematics Education Study Program FKIP Mahasaraswati University Denpasar, Bali.
Located in Room E305 and E306 the event was opened by the Assistant Dean of Academic and Student Affairs FPMIPA UPI. Furthermore, the Department of Mathematics Education UPI presented a brief material about the Department of Mathematics Education and continued with the discussion. The next event was a presentation from the Chairman of the Student Executive Board of the Mathematics Student Association ‘Identika’ universitas Pendidikan Indonesia on student affairs in the Department of Mathematics Education and continued with the discussion.
In the afternoon, there are presentations about Computer Laboratories, Learning Laboratories, and Workshops. After the presentation ends, visiting guests are welcome to spread out visiting the Learning Laboratory, Workshop, and try the existing learning software.