Sunday, November 3, 2013, upi 2013 Mathematics Student Echo series officially opened. The opening was in the same as Math Games IX SD Level Competition in Bandung Raya and Cimahi City.
This year’s Math Games competition was attended by 44 teams from several elementary school in Bandung Raya and Cimahi City. This event was opened directly by Mr. Dean of FPMIPA Prof. Dr.R.Asep Kadarohman, M.Si and also did not forget to attend representatives from the Department of Mathematics Education by Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, M.Si. as a skretaris of upi Mathematics Education Department.
The event is a series of GMM events that will continue until November 24, 2013 with the important date of November 17, 2013 Preliminary I Of The Meticulously Mathematics Intelligent Competition (CCM) mts junior high school level in West Java and Cerdas agile Mathematics level SMA/MA Se-Pulau Jawa as well as the 23rd and 24th November semi-finals and finals.