>>Appreciation of Students Participating in the Mathematics Competition Championship

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On Sunday, November 3, 2024, Hukmashabiyya Ariq Gumilar, Nabila Azallea Safitri, Ridwan Dwi Ramdan, and Theodore Dwivaland Fophin qualified for the final round of ONMIPA AMLI. The team will advance to the next stage on Monday, November 4, 2024.

Also on Sunday, November 3, 2024, Prakoso Anom Parikesit and Sabila Novitriani qualified for the semifinal round of the Sanata Dharma Calculus League (Sadhar calL).

All parties of the Mathematics Education and Mathematics Study Program FPMIPA UPI are proud to congratulate you on fighting in the semifinals and finals. Hopefully you can go home with the title