SBP Visits Terengganu Malaysia’s Batu Rakit Integration

Department of Mathematics Education, again got a visit, this time on November 27, 2012 got a visit from one of the secondary schools from across the country, namely SBP Integrasi Batu Rakit Terengganu Malaysia. They consist of 12 students and 3 teachers. Located in the E-301 room, the event was opened directly by the Head of Mathematics Education, Drs. Turmudi, M.Ed., M.Sc., Ph.D and attended by the Secretary of the Department of Mathematics Education Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, M.Si. and The Head of Mathematics Education Program Dr. H. Dadang Juandi, M.Si.

After a question and answer session about the Department of Mathematics Education, they were invited to tour the FPMIPA UPI building to visit the Mathematics Learning Laboratory, Computer Laboratory and Workshop Room. The event ended with a photo together in the middle of the FPMIPA UPI building.