Lecturer Research Seminar

On Wednesday, November 16, 2011, the Mathematics Study Program held a seminar on lecturer research results. This activity takes place from 13:00 – 15:00, located in the Computer Laboratory of upi Mathematics Education Department. The lecturers who became presenters in this seminar were Dr. Rizky Rosjanuardi, Rini Marwati, M.S., and Khusnul Novianingsih, M.Si.

Mr. Rizky in the seminar explained about the research studies that have been and are being conducted with his research team in the group of expertise areas (KBK) Algebra Analysis. This research is also the result of the cooperation of lecturers of KBK Algebra Analysis with Gunma University, Japan. On this occasion he presented the results of his research related to Graph Algebra, Numerical Radius Operator Spaces, Toeplitz Algebra,and Crossed Product Theory. He also opened up the topics of research that can be done, which is a continuation of the results of this research. The next research is expected to involve students interested in Algebra Analysis in compiling the Final Task, as has been done before.

In the seminar, Ibu Rini explained about the results of the internship ‘Publication Orientation Research’ conducted in ITB, under the guidance of Prof. Sutawanir Darwis. The material reviewed is EnKF Simulator Reservoir. He reviewed the use of eclipse reservoir simulators as a comparison in estimating the permiability obtained through EnKF. This activity is expected to add to the research topics of lecturers or final assignments of students in kbk statistika.

Ibu Khusnul explained about the results of her research conducted with ITB lecturers in the field of optimization. The title of the study is ‘Garuda Indonesia Crew Assignment Optimization’. This research is the result of cooperation with PT Garuda Indonesia. This study is expected to open the insights of lecturers of Kbk Applied to be able to improve research in the field of applied by engaging students of Final Duty.