List of Interactive Learning Media and Software To Make Math Easier

Here we attach a list of video props and learning media math. To make it easier for you to introduce mathematical concepts.

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Pictures Description
Media PembelajaranBelakang Media SMP Media Title Junior High School Mathematics Learning Media
Media Type Compact Disc
Price Rp. 20.000,-
Subject Matter 

  1. Set
  2. Circle
  3. Comparison
  4. Revival
  5. Triangle Area
  6. Prism and Limas
  7. Cubes and Beams
  8. Tubes and Cones
  9. Straight Line Equation
  10. Stripes On Triangles
  11. Row and Row Number Patterns
  12. Integers and Their Operations
This CD contains a collection of learning media. So that teachers can use this CD when introducing the concept of Mathematics to Junior High School Students.
Untitledhj Media Title Class XI Statistics
Media Type Interactive Mathematics Learning Software
Price Rp. 20.000,-
Subject Matter Statistical
This CD contains interactive math learning software with materials on STATISTICS. In this software, statistical material is packaged as interesting as possible with music and a lot of animation, so it does not make students saturated when watching it.

Get a video of math props right away. To assist you in introducing mathematical concepts.

Visit the Department of Mathematics Education at the address:
FPMIPA Building Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154