This time it was Winda Yulia,who won 3rd place at the 2011 National Technology Science Olympics in Mathematics. The Olympics were held by Disdikpora Yogyakarta in November 2011. Winda is a student of UPI Mathematics Education Department class of 2008. In addition to Winda, other envoys from upi Department of Mathematics Education are: Sugiri Aryanto, Salwa Nursyahida, and Sofihara Al Hazmy.
The top 10 rankings are as follows:
1. Widi Eko, UNAIR
2. Anwar Tri, UGM
3. Winda Yulia, UPI
4. Heni Widayani, Unibraw
5. Natalia, Unpar
6.M. Zaki Al-Muzaki, Unibraw
7. Kistosil Fahim, ITS
8. Fandi Gunawan, Unpar
9. Sugiri Aryanto, UPI
10. Khamsatul Faizati, UNS
Hopefully this success will be a driver for other students of Mathematics Education Department.