Lecturer in Mathematics Education, Ahmad Dahlan University Underwent a Transformation Geometry Lecture Internship

UPI’s Department of Mathematics Education has attended the Transformation Geometry lecture. He is Harina Fitriyani, M.Pd. Lecturer of Mathematics Education Program faculty of teachers and education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta. The internship took place from December 8, 2014 to December 12, 2014.

P_20141212_103355Harina Fitriyani, M.Pd. and Lecturer in Transformation Geometry, Eyus Sudihartinih, M.Pd.

Ibu Harina’s internship consists of regular lectures, practicum, and discussions with lecturers in Geometry Transformation. Based on his explanation, the lecturer internship in 2014 was organized by FKIP UAD and funded by grants from the Ministry of Education and UPI was selected as an internship partner for lecturers in mathematics education.

“Mr. / Mrs. lecturer at UPI is friendly, students are also friendly, very fun to discuss”, Mrs. Harina conveyed the impression.

The purpose of this lecturer’s internship is to improve insights, experience, and networking as a lecturer.