Smart Agile Mathematics (CTM) is one form of GMM activities in the form of high school math competitions. This year’s CTM is called CTM XXXIII which is a series of CTM years – previous years. In this activity, students will be tested for dexterity in answering questions – applicative math problems in teams. Through this activity, students are expected to apply mathematics in their daily lives.
CTM Activities
Ctm activities are divided into 4 stages, namely as follows:
1) Allowance I
2) Allowance II
3) Semi-finals
4) Final
Implementation Time
1) Allowance I : November 17, 2012
2) Allowance II : November 23, 2012
3) Semifinals : November 24, 2012
4) Final : November 25, 2012
High school students in Java
Place of Implementation
1) Universities appointed in each region for the Preliminary Stage I
2) UPI Bumi Siliwangi Bandung Campus for Preliminary Stage II, Semifinal, and Final
Provisions and Rules of Allowance I CTM XXXIII
- Each team consists of 3 people, who are students who are still active in the school in question. Each school sends a maximum of three teams
- Attendees are expected to attend 15 minutes before the event begins.
- Late participants do not get extra time.
- At the time of the competition, participants wear their school uniforms.
- Participants bring their own stationery at the time of the race.
- The participant’s representative re-registers according to the specified time.
- The time to work on the problem is 100 minutes.
- Late participants do not get extra time.
- There are no errors for all the problems (do it as it is).
- At the time of implementation, communication tools such as HP. pagers, etc. are not enabled.
- It is forbidden to borrow stationery to other participants.
- Rating system :
- For Short Stuffing Questions
If true is rated 4
If incorrectly rated -1
If not filled in is rated 0
- For The Problem Description
If answered correctly given a score of 10
Scope of Materials to Be Contested
- Mathematical Logic
- Algebra
A. Rank, root, and logarithmic forms
B. Quadratic functions, equations and functions and quadratic inequalities
C. System of linear equations and one-variable inequalities
D. Equation of circles and tangents
E. Many tribal rules
F. Composition of two functions and inverse of a function
G. Program Linear
H. Matrix, vector, and transformation concepts
Ⅰ. Rows and rows
- Trigonometric
A. Comparisons, equation functions, and trigonometric identities
B. Trigonometric formulas
- Geometry
- Position, distance, and large angles involving points, lines, and fields in a three-dimensional space
- Calculus
A. Concept of function limit and function derivatives
B. An integral
- Statistics and opportunities
A. Statistical rules, enumeration rules, properties of opportunity
B. Processing, presentation and interpretation of data
C. Enumeration rules to determine the chances of an event and interpretation
Pay the registration fee Rp. 200,000.00 / squad
Payment of registration money can be done by:
- Transfer to BNI Payakumbuh Branch a.n. PRIMA INDRIYANI B with account number 0197308098. Furthermore, provide proof of photocopy of transfer at the time of re-registration (day of implementation) or
- Pay directly to the organizing committee of GMM 2012 in front of the Mushola BUILDING FPMIPA UPI Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no. 229 Bandung 40154.
Registration is open from 24 September – 17 November 2012
Ctm XXXIII can be done by:
1. Come to the front of mushola building FPMIPA UPI Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no. 229 Bandung 40154, or
2. Via SMS with the format:
Squad Kegiatan_Nama Sekolah_Banyak Name
(Activity Name : CTM)
Send to :
CTM : 085720202201 (Rani)
Example: CTM_SMAN 4 BANDUNG_2 send to 085720202201
1. Re-registration was conducted on November 17, 2012 at the location of Allowance I
2. Participants are required to bring proof of payment of registration form.
Description : Transfer a.n. registrant school, not individual a.n.
For more information visit GMM