>> Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI champion GENERAL PARAMPA

Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI won the FPMIPA Sports Parade (PARAMPA UPI). The activity took place from April 25 to May 11, 2014. Participants of the event consisted of all majors / courses at FPMIPA UPI, namely the departments of mathematics education, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science education programs, computer science, international programs on science education and civitas FPMIPA UPI. The event contested the rotating trophy of the dean of FPMIPA UPI.










6 sports are contested in the event, namely men’s basketball, men’s futsal, badminton team, chess, men’s table tennis and men’s volleyball. BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI with the team assembled in the department of mathematics education UPI won 4 gold and 2 silver to lock up the title of general champion this year. “We have targeted to become the general champion. Alhamdulillah gold target branch can be fulfilled and even we got a surprise gold in the branch that we did not expect to get it. Proud at the beginning of the management with the beginning of this big event we can get the title of General Champion, hopefully next year we can maintain the predicate”, said Irfan Muhafidin, Chairman of BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI period 2014.

Congratulations and Success always for upi Mathematics Education Department and BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI.



Women’s Futsal
Mathematics B (Gold)
1 Puti Andini
2 A Nadya Febriani
3 Nadia A.A.
4 Endah G.H.
5 Elfitri Disca
6 Yusi Apriyani
7 Ayyuna Zulfah
8 Wulansary KHWP
9 19 Reviews , 13 Followers
Mathematics A (Silver)
1 Asri Alfia
2 Riska Megasari
3 Mila
4 Lidya Puspita
5 Mayang P
6 Astari Aulia
7 Hani
8 Meita
Badminton Women’s Basketball
Mathematics A (Gold) Mathematics B (Gold)
1 19Reviews , 10Followers 1 Lydia Z.A.
2 19Reviews , 10Followers 2 Roosy Dewanti
3 Azhar Nashrussalam 3 Andini P
4 Yuni Pebriani 4 Siti Asmaul Husna
5 Nadia A.A. 5 Septy Even P
6 Yonadisa Velariana S 6 Rosalina Handayani
7 Selly Novita Sari 7 19Reviews , 10Followers
8 19Reviews , 10Followers 8 Hilma Pearl
Women’s Table Tennis Mathematics A (Silver)
1 Wulansary KHWP 1 Nadia A.A.
2 Fathia Ramadhina 2 Farrah Zakia
3 19Reviews , 10Followers
4 10/20 201
5 Oktaviani Goddess
6 Nira K
7 Isma