>> Echoes of Math Students Ready to Shake 2014


Gema Mahasiswa Matematika Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (GMM UPI) is one of the annual work programs of the Student Executive Board of the Mathematics Student Association “Identika” UPI (BEM Himatika “Identika” UPI).

GMM UPI activity is one of the real steps that leads to the achievement of improving the quality of education with the hope that GMM UPI becomes a way to make mathematics more enjoyable for students, students and teachers. Thus, the contribution and attention given to education can give meaning to the improvement of Education in Indonesia. GMM UPI 2014 was chaired by Bintang Januari Utomo from the Mathematics Study Program of the Class of 2012.

The theme for GMM UPI 2014 is “INFINA MAGNA OPERA” which means “Infinite Creations in a Combination of Great Works”. As for the implementation of GMM UPI 2014 will be held on November 09-30, 2014, with a series of activities namely Math Games, Smart Mathematics X (CCM X), Intelligent Agile Mathematics XXXV (CTM XXXV), Scientific Writing Competition 2014 (LKTI 2014) and at GMM UPI 2014 presents 2 new and exciting events namely LEMNAS (National Mathematical Essay Contest) and OMIM (Open Media Instructional Mathematics)

For registration GMM UPI 2014 HAS BEEN OPENED, information, terms and conditions can be seen on the gmm-upi.com (Click) – events > – > download

Let’s register your friends or team at this knowledge and math event!
In this GMM UPI 2014 there will be many benefits of science as well as various fun things to be One!

More information:

UPI “Identika” Mathematics Student Association
Address: FPMIPA-A (JICA) UPI Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung
Contact Person: 087893217233
Website: gmm-upi.com
Twitter: @GMM_UPI2014
Facebook: facebook.com/gmm.upi.edu
e-mail : gmm.upi@gmail.com