Salwa Nursyahida, a student in UPI’s Department of Mathematics Education, achieved the achievement of 1st Best Presenter in Mathematics at the 2011 Pertamina National Science Olympics. The title was announced as the result of the national grand final on Friday, November 4, 2011. This achievement is a result of a long journey, having previously been selected as 1st Place at the level of West Java Province. All upi Mathematics Education Departments congratulate, hopefully this can further motivate other math students.
As for the winning results for the field of mathematics, more are as follows:
1. SALWA NURSYAHIDA, University of Education Indonesia
2. Nabih Ibrahim Bawazir, Yogyakarta State University
3. Ariesta W Busta, Khaerun Maluku University
1. BERNARD IMMANUEL, Universtas Indonesia
2. Yohannes, Universitas Pelita Harapan
3. Okki Sugianto H., Surabaya Institute of Technology