>> UPI’s BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ Comparative Study

On September 15, 2012, the Executive Board of Himatika Students ‘Identika’ Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia conducted a Comparative Study to the Student Association of the University of Indonesia’s Department of Mathematics.
The group consists of 90 students. The Comparative Study was not accompanied by the Student Guidance Lecturer because there were other purposes. The journey starts at 03.00 WIB from Bumi Siliwangi campus.
Around 07.00 WIB the group arrived at the Faculty of MIPA UI. There were welcomed colleagues from HMD Math UI. The new event starts around 8 a.m. While the administrator of BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI shared with hmd mathematics UI administrators, students who do not participate in sharing are allowed to travel around the University of Indonesia.
The event began with a speech from HMD Math UI which was directly represented by its BEM Chairman, Ahmad Mujahid. Meanwhile, bem himatika ‘Identika’ is represented by the Head of THE COMPARATIVE STUDY TEAM, Burhanuddin Latif.
Further to the next event was the presentation of each bem chairman, the first being Ahmad Mujahid as chairman of the Student Association of the University of Indonesia’s Mathematics Department and followed by Maulana Maxribbi Guntara as Chairman of BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Finished the presentation from the chairman of both parties, continued sharing the department that carrying the mandate in the same field. The event ended around 10:00 a.m. and ended with a photo together.
In addition to visiting the University of Indonesia we also visited Dian Al Mahri Mosque and Jakarta Old Town.