The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is a space provided by DIKTI to accommodate the creative and innovative ideas that students have. Therefore, students as agents of change should make the most of this opportunity to solve the problems faced by the nation and the country. The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is divided into PKM 5 Fields and PKM-Karya Tulis (PKM-KT).
Types of PKM | General Explanation |
PKM-P | · A research program intended to address various scientific issues.
· The program is grouped into 1. PKM-Penelitian Eksakta (PKM-PE) is intended to answer problems in the field of exakta. Examples of PKM-PE titles, namely 2. PKM-Humanities Social Research (PKM-PSH) is intended to answer humanities social problems. Examples of PKM-PSH titles, namely |
PKM-K | · Pogram of student skills development in entrepreneurship
· Profit-oriented · The resulting business commodity can be goods or services · Examples of PKM-K titles, namely |
PKM-M | · Program the application of science, technology, and the arts in an effort to improve performance, build business skills, environmental structuring and improvement, institutional strengthening of society, and others for both formal and non-formal communities.
· Requires a partner who is not profit-oriented · Examples of PKM-M titles, namely |
PKM-T | · Technology assistance programs (quality of raw materials, prototypes, models, equipment or production processes, etc.) for micro, medium, or even large scale industries that concern the interests of the wider community and suit the needs of prospective program partners.
· Requires profit-oriented partners · Examples of PKM-T titles, namely |
PKM-KC | · The creation program, based on student content and reasoning, is constructive and produces a system, design, model/item or prototype and the like
· Examples of PKM-KC titles, namely |
PKM-GT | · The idea writing program knows the visionary ideas of student groups, in the form of concepts that contain solutive and implementative strategies on regional and national issues.
· Examples of PKM-GT titles, namely |
PKM-AI | · Scientific article writing program sourced from hassil student group activities in the field of education, research, or community service.
· Examples of PKM-AI titles, namely |
Fields of PKM-P, PKM-M, PKM-K, PKM-T, PKM-KC, and PKM-GT will be displayed at PIMNAS (National Student Scientific Week) activities.
PKM proposals are submitted per group. One group consists of 3-5 people. A student can submit a maximum of 2 proposals, with the provision of being the group chairman in one of the proposals or being a member of both proposals. Every year there are tens of thousands of proposals submitted to the DIKTI, such as in 2016 there are approximately 77 thousand proposals of PKM 5 Fields and 17 thousand PKM-KT proposals submitted by student groups from various universities in Indonesia.
Later, the proposal was selected to be funded. In order for the proposal to be funded should pay attention to the completeness of the proposal administration (filing year, college stamp, margin, signature, etc.) and the title should be made as attractive as possible. There were 3,918 proposals in 2017. The maximum amount of funds given to carry out PKM 5 Field activities is Rp12,500,000 per proposal and Rp3,000,000 per proposal for PKM-KT. Usually the initial fund will liquide by 70%, then another 30% will be liquid after uploading the final report.
For PKM 5 Fields there is a monitoring and evaluation stage (monev). At this stage, students will be held accountable by presenting the progress of the implementation of PKM assessed by two judges. Prior to the monev implementation, each group was obliged to upload a progress report. Monev was carried out in several places in accordance with dikti instructions. At this stage, several groups will qualify for pimnas stage. Usually the number of groups that pass pimnas is 10% of the number of funded groups. In order to qualify for PIMNAS, each group must upload a final report that usually starts a week after monev implementation.
Groups declared to pass PIMNAS are required to upload scientific articles, posters, and re-upload the final report. At the 30th PIMNAS held at the Muslim University of Indonesia, Makassar there were 89 universities participating with the number of groups that qualified were 420 groups, namely 20 PKM-T groups, 40 PKM-PSH groups, 120 PKM-PE groups, 60 PKM-M groups, 100 PKM-KC groups, 60 PKM-K groups, and 20 PKM-GT groups. Each PKM field will be divided into several presentation classes and each presentation class consists of 20 groups.
PIMNAS’s assessment is focused on poster scoring and presentation assessment.
- Poster Rating
Posters should be made as interesting as possible because there will be “Product Title and Poster” activities. In this activity, each team must decorate the place of product title and poster with interest, even if the program created has got various certificates then the certificate can be pasted / stored in place of product title and poster. In addition, one member of the group (not the group chairman) must present the poster made to the three upcoming judges alternately. From the rating of this poster will be selected the best presenter, favorite poster, and selected 3 best posters competing for gold, silver, and bronze medals from each presentation class.
- Presentation assessment
The presentation should be prepared to the fullest because in the assessment of this presentation will be selected 3 best groups competing for gold, silver, and bronze medals from each presentation class. The time given to one group is 10 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for q&A. The awards that have been received should be displayed at the time of presentation, such as scientific publications in seminars and or online media. Additionally, at the time of the presentation is allowed to display X-Banner as complementary information. The presentation will be judged by 3 qualified judges in each field of PKM.