About GMM


Gema Siswa Matematika (GMM) is a math competition activity whose participants include elementary/equivalent students, junior high school/equivalent, and high school/equivalent, as well as D3 and undergraduate students. GMM is one of the working programs of the Academic Development Division, BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI, under the auspices of the Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. GMM 2019 is the 40th GMM implementation. GMM 2019 raised the theme “Be A Golden Generations With Mathematics”. GMM 2019 will carry out nine series of activities that will be held from 09 to 24 November 2019. The nine series of activities are:

  1. Mathgames Xv

Mathgames is a math competition in the form of games for elementary school /equivalent in Bandung Raya and Cimahi.

  1. CCM XVI

CCM is a mathematical competition in a carefully intelligent form for junior high school/equivalent in Java.

  1. CTM XL

CTM is a team mathematics competition in the form of agile intelligent for high school /equivalent in Java.

  1. Olimatics III

Olimatics is an individual mathematics competition in the form of individual olympics for junior high school/equivalent and high school/equivalent in Java.

  1. KMPM V

KMPM is a team or individual mathematics competition in the form of a learning media competition for D3 and S1 in Java.

  1. Lemnas VI

Lemnas is an individual mathematics competition in the form of essay competitions for SMA/equivalent, D3 and S1 in Indonesia.

  1. OMIM

OMIM is a media demonstration of mathematics learning in gmm series of activities.


LKTI is an individual mathematics competition or team in the form of scientific writing competitions for D3 and S1 in Indonesia.

  1. Bazar


Every year, GMM implementation is always followed by hundreds to thousands of participants. This year, GMM 2019 is targeted to be followed by 1380 participants. Let’s sign up to be part of the next set of GMM activities..