AGAIN, Olympic Achievement!

This time it was Winda Yulia,who won 3rd place at the 2011 National Technology Science Olympics in Mathematics. The Olympics were held by Disdikpora Yogyakarta in November 2011. Winda is a student of UPI Mathematics Education Department class of 2008. In addition to Winda, other envoys from upi Department of Mathematics Education are: Sugiri Aryanto, Salwa Nursyahida, and Sofihara Al Hazmy.

The top 10 rankings are as follows:

1. Widi Eko, UNAIR

2. Anwar Tri, UGM

3. Winda Yulia, UPI

4. Heni Widayani, Unibraw

5. Natalia, Unpar

6.M. Zaki Al-Muzaki, Unibraw

7. Kistosil Fahim, ITS

8. Fandi Gunawan, Unpar

9. Sugiri Aryanto, UPI

10. Khamsatul Faizati, UNS

Hopefully this success will be a driver for other students of Mathematics Education Department.