Community Service 2017 “Mathematics Serves, Builds Civil Society”



As of July 31, a total of 132 students of the Ministry of Mathematics Education conducted Community Service (PPM). Take place in Sukamelang Village, Kasomalang District, Subang Regency. PPM was implemented for seven days with the theme “Mathematics Serves, Building Civil Society”.

The objectives to be achieved are to increase social care, increase professionalism in the field of teaching, develop personal and social aspects in the community, and introduce a real environment of education and societal life. This goal is realized in various forms of activities divided into two fields, namely the field of education and the field of community development.

Here are the activities carried out during the week of settling in Sukamelang Village:



  • Junior High School Teaching

This teaching activity is held in the local Junior High School with the aim of helping teachers by engaging students and using new approaches and methods that are expected to improve students’ learning motivation. In addition, this activity can also add teaching experience as well as hone creativity for the students involved.



  • Teacher Seminar

The theme of “Development of Mathematics Teaching Method in Curriculum Implementation 2013” teacher seminar was held at SMAN 1 Subang on Wednesday, August 2, 2017. The seminar involved 51 participants. The event was divided into two sessions, namely seminars by Al Jupri, S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D. , Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suryadi, M.Ed.

, Dr. H. Sufyani P. M.Ed. and Prof. Dr. H. Wahyudin, M.Pd. and workshops by Drs. H. Asep Syarif H., M.Si..


  • Math Games

Math Games activities take place on Wednesdays, math lessons at elementary and junior high school level are packed with more interesting and fun in this activity. The goal is for students at elementary and junior high schools to compete and excel.



  • Hand Washing and Toothbrush Training

Involving elementary and kindergarten students, this activity invites children to know how to wash their hands and brush their teeth properly and properly. Interspersed – presented with a short drama, this activity becomes interesting and the message to maintain self-hygiene becomes more acceptable to children.



  • Smart Meticulously Cheerful

Further activities involving elementary school students. Implemented on the day to grow the confidence to compete, train the mental readiness of students to compete and train students to continue to think critically about existing problems.




  • Reading Park

To increase reading interest and channel reading interest to children in the local village the committee provides a reading park containing a collection of books


  • Religious Studies and Contests

Lectures are conducted daily and held in every village, in order to instill religious values and foster faith and disingness in children.

Community Development

  • Citizen Workshop (Processing Pineapple Into Pineapple Jam Products)

Because of the abundance of pineapples, and departing from the unrest of the residents of the many young pineapples wasted, this workshop took the theme of how to process pineapple to increase the selling value and effectiveness of its use. Accompanied by an explanation of nutrition, and the practice of making it in full is expected to inspire local residents and benefit the citizens so as to foster an entrepreneurial spirit.


  • Service Work and Hygiene Competition

In order to maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment and familiarize students with the surrounding residents, there are work activities in each village.



  • Cheap Food

Aim to help under-ordinary people meet their daily grocery needs.



  • Palapa (Clothing Worth Wearing)

The activity of reselling clothes that are still worth wearing at an affordable price. The money raised will be donated back. It was decided to sell instead of directly sharing so that the citizens chose clothes wisely and that would actually be used. Held in every village and two days in a row since the second day, this activity is pretty much appreciated by the residents.



  • Free Treatment

Than free treatment, this activity is more suitable called free health screening. In this activity, local residents can check blood pressure, check blood type and for the first 25 people who register can get acupuncture services.


  • Races and Matches

In addition to cleaning activities, students familiarize themselves with citizens through races and matches, especially volleyball matches between villages. Students contribute two teams to compete with the citizens. Held every afternoon, during the game students have the opportunity to mingle with the citizens.



  • Saung Art

Aiming to preserve culture and develop art, students invite local village children to