>> Congratulations Mathematics Lecturer Inaugurated as Official at UPI in 2022


The Chancellor of the Indonesian Education University inaugurated officials within the Indonesian Education University at the FPEB Auditorium Building (11/1/2022). The activity was attended by UPI leaders including the Chancellor, Secretary of the Board of Trustees (MWA), Deputy Chancellors, Chair of the Academic Senate, Chair of the Board of Professors, Faculty Deans, and leaders of work units.

The inauguration of officials within UPI was held following the Regulations, Provisions and Standards of Health Protocols of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 with the principles of protecting, maintaining the health and safety of all parties, and preventing the spread of COVID-19.

One of the inaugurated officials includes a mathematics department lecturer: Siti Fatimah, S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D, she was inaugurated as a member of the national accreditation field in the quality assurance unit, term of service 2022-2026.

Let’s pray for the elected people who have been appointed to have integrity and commitment to advance UPI, have loyalty to the institution and develop their capacity to bring progress to UPI’s institution.