>> FPMIPA Best Graduate from The Department of Mathematics Education

The UPI Department of Mathematics Education congratulated the Hani Nurhasanah, S.Pd. from Prodi Mathematics Education for its achievement as the best graduate in FPMIPA and Agung Anggoro, S.Mat. from Prodi Mathematics as the second best graduation in FPMIPA in wave II graduation in 2016 which took place on August 24, 2016.

Hani Nurhasanah, S.Pd.
Hani Nurhasanah, S.Pd.

In his speech, Hani Nurhasanah, S.Pd. mentions that there are at least three main foundations of the Lord’s undeniable gift, namely:

  • Love and pride in alma mater so we always want to make it worthy of love and pride;
  • The realization that experience, knowledge, and skills play a role in the achievement of dreams and asa in our future; Dan
  • A strong desire for alma mater to be better and better,

These three foundations make him always proud of UPI’s achievements. In addition, Hani Nurhasanah, S.Pd. also invite the graduates to work wholeheartedly and work with all sincerity in accordance with the field they are persevering in, be it the field of education and the field of non-education in order to face the competition of the world of work that is tight today.

In line with Hani’s speech, Agung Anggoro, S.Mat. also said in his speech that we as graduates after this graduation ceremony are finished should be ready with the question “What are we doing during college at UPI?”. And soon the question will change to “What can we do for society after passing this (achievement)?”. Therefore Agung invites the graduates to continue this struggle with more spirit.

Agung Anggoro, S.Mat.
Agung Anggoro, S.Mat.

At the end of his speech, Agung Anggoro, S.Mat. representing the graduates thanked and pleaded two things to the lecturers and academic community of the Ministry of Mathematics Education. The first apologises for any words and speech that is not pleased. And the second asked for a prayer of blessing to continue our struggle of the graduates.

Not only the order of one and two, the third and fourth place is also occupied by students of the Department of Mathematics Education. Namely Ade Sri Rahayu, S.Mat. and Nadia Azhari Alfiyyati, S.Pd.