>> Indonesian Education University Doctoral Program Students Provide Training and Workshops in an Effort to Overcome Learning Loss

Reference Source: jurnalsoreang.pikiran-rakyat.com

The Covid -19 pandemic that has hit the world to date has caused impacts in various fields to experience obstacles and even setbacks in their development.

“One of the fields that really felt the decline due to this pandemic is education,” said UPI Bandung doctoral student Nurul Rafiqah Nasution, M.Pd, in a community service webinar, Tuesday, August 9, 2022.

The webinar presented two key speakers, Dr. Dadang Juandi, M.Si, and Prof. Turmudi, M.Ed, MSc, PhD. The webinar was also filled by UPI Bandung doctoral students with participants from SD Labschool UPI teachers.

According to Nurul, the change in the learning process from face-to-face to online learning was not known beforehand so there was no preparation of methods or strategies in advance to deal with it.

“So that it has an impact on student knowledgeloss (learning loss) such as the non-achievement of learning outcomes, student skills that are not developed properly, decreased student learning motivation, the vulnerability of dropping out of school, and so on,” he said.

Learning loss or the phenomenon where students lose general or specific knowledge and skills in learning progress is generally caused by gaps or discontinuities in education.

“One of the main components that play an important role in the learning process is the teacher. During the pandemic, teachers are required to provide learning materials to students digitally,” he said.

Students learn from home by accessing the material prepared by the teacher using a smartphone or computer via the internet.

“To prevent the worsening of Learning Loss in the student learning process, both digital and face-to-face education processes need to be optimized. However, regarding digital learning, many elementary schools are not or not ready for this situation and conditions,” he said.

Many teachers still have difficulties in providing material to digital classes. Teachers still have not implemented learning using digital classrooms to the fullest.

“Teachers still experience many obstacles in designing the digital classroom that will be used,” he said.

Based on the data obtained, one of the important things that teachers really need is about the digital classroom, more specifically about how to present teaching materials via Youtube, PPT, and short teaching.

“If teachers have good knowledge about it, then teachers can easily carry out learning even if students do not come to school,” he said.

Teachers need to be well prepared to overcome learning loss and return learning to its proper state by maintaining and even improving the quality of education.

“Students of the doctoral program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia provide training and workshops in an effort to overcome learning loss using digital learning for elementary school teachers of the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Pilot Laboratory,” he said.

The purpose of the implementation of this training activity is that teachers will be able to create teaching materials for digital classes, can present teaching materials via YouTube and present teaching materials through short teaching.

This activity is carried out online and offline from August to September.