>> Mathematics Student Passes to National Level of Ministry of Religious Work Program

As in previous years, the Ministry of Religious Affairs always organizes “MTQ Mahasiswa Nasional” every two years.

Right this year, the Ministry of Religion has organized “MTQ National Student XII”. This event aims for the full human development that can be achieved one of them by mental coaching in religious understanding, by seeking to improve the understanding of the content of the holy verse of the Qur’an by carving out achievements.

This year’s “MTQ Of National Students XII” event will be held from July 9, 2011 to July 9, 2011 July 14, 2011 at UMI Makasar. The content on this event is as follows. (1)The View of the Qur’an; (2) Tartil Qur’an; (3) Hifzhil Qur’an 1 juz; (4)Hifzhil Qur’an 2 juz; (5)Qira’at Sab’ah; (6)Fahmil Qur’an; (7)Shahril Qur’an; (8)Khatil Qur’an; (9)Scientific Writings of the Qur’an; (10) Scientific debate of the Arabic Qur’an; and (11)Scientific debate of the English Qur’an.

Given the purpose of the “MTQ Of National Students XII”, it is clear that this event has a high urgency in printing islamic personality. We were also proud when some upi mathematics education students participated in the Ministry of Religious Affairs event, especially they managed to pass the selection of “MTQ National Student LEVEL XII” and will participate in the fight with other students at UMI Makasar. Upi Math Education Students who successfully passed the selection to the National level among others.

1. Maulana Yusuf (Class of 2008) qualified for Qira’at Sab’ah selection

2. Fresty Restu Pertiwi (Class of 2008) qualified for the selection of Scientific Papers of the Qur’an

3. Asep Saeful Ulum (Class of 2009) qualified for the selection of scientific debate of the Qur’an in English