>> ONMIPA Region Selection 2018

On March 21 to 22, 2018, a total of seven representatives from the Department of Mathematics Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia participated in the onmipa event following the regional session which is the second selection stage. Regional selection for region IV is West Java Province except Bogor, and is held   at the National Institute of Technology. Meanwhile, simultaneously in 17 other cities also carried out regional selection.


Implemented in two days, there are five test points consisting of essay questions and short stuffing. The five test points include Combinatorics, Linear Algebra, Algebraic Structure, Real Analysis and Complex Analysis. The value obtained by participants will be accumulated and sorted from the largest by region and national. The selected are the best participants from each region, and the best participants in the national rankings.


Participants who qualify for the regional selection will participate in the National selection at Muhammadiyah University malang on May 4 to 7, 2018. The qualifying participants were announced on the official website of ONMIPA Dikti on April 4, 2018.

As a result, three participants from the Ministry of Mathematics Education, Nabil Mahatir, Indri Juwita Sari and Maisuri Pratiwi qualified for the National selection as well as the selection to participate in the Mathematics Competiton for University Stundents event in Blagoevgard, Bulgaria next August.