>> Opening of GMM (Gema Student Mathematics) 2021

The opening of Gema Mahasiswa Matematika (GMM) 2021 was held on Saturday, October 30, 2021 with the initial plan starting at 08.00 to 11.00 WIB. The purpose of this event is to officially open GMM 2021 activities. The opening of the GMM was attended by 263 participants with 43 organizers, 3 event devices, 9 invited guests, and 208 participants and guidance teachers from various regions in Indonesia. The theme at the opening of GMM 2021 is Bring Up Smart Learner’s For A Bright Future.

This event was opened by MC (Rifqy and Putrie) at 08.18 WIB, followed by tilawah by Qori (Alyas) at 08.24 WIB until 08.28 WIB. Tilawah is more than 3 minutes from the planned time. After that, continued by singing the song Indonesia Raya by all participants. Then continued with a speech from the Chairman of GMM 2021 (Dasep) at 08.30 – 08.42 WIB, the Chairman’s speech was more than 7 minutes from the planned time because the speech turned out to exceed the time, in the future the Chief Executive may be able to prepare his remarks according to the planned time in 2011. rundown,and continued with the speech of the Chairman of BEM ‘Himatika’ Identika UPI Period 2021 (Samsudin) at 08.42 WIB and finished at 08.48 WIB, the speech of the Chairman of BEM more than 8 minutes from the planned time. 

After that, there was a speech from the GMM Guidance Lecturer (Dr. Al Azhary Masta, S.Si., M.Si) at 08.48 – 08.56 WIB, the guidance lecturer’s speech was more than 6 minutes from the planned time, because the speech was longer than the targeted time of the committee which was up to 08.50 WIB. The event continued with a solo vocal performance from students of the Department of Mathematics Education (Annisa Fitri Adawiyyah). Then it was resumed with a speech from the head of the Mathematics Education program (Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, M.Si) at 09.04 – 09.13 WIB and after that, a speech from the head of mathematics program (Dr. H. Cece Kustiawan, M.Si) at 09.13 – 09.18 WIB. 

In the initial plan, this event will be welcomed by the Chairman of the Department (Dr.H.Dadang Juandi, M.Si.,), however. Qadarullah he was not present, so the welcome was represented by the Secretary of the Department (Mr. Al Jupri, S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D) as well as officially opening the GMM 2021 event, the Department Secretary’s speech was carried out more than 6 minutes from the committee’s planned time. However, the entire series of welcome events goes according to the rundown of the event.

After the welcome, there was a screening of the GMM teaser video which aired at 09.27-09.29 WIB. This GMM teaser video illustrates that GMM 2021 activities are followed by many participants from various regions in Indonesia, in which there is also an explanation of various races in GMM 2021. After that, there was an acoustic performance from students of the Department of Mathematics Education (Marvel and Martin) at 09:29 WIB. The event continued with the GMM 2021 sponsorship presentation, namely First Media, at 09.40-09.52 WIB. 

After that, there’s ice breaking. Ice Breaking is filled with jargon with all participants. After that, the event continued with the announcement of the best participants of Lemnas High School and Students at 09.55 to 09.58 WIB. Announced the 10 best participants of Lemnas Sma competition and 8 best participants of Lemnas Student competition. Furthermore, there was a solo vocal performance from students of the Ministry of Mathematics Education, namely Nadya Haniyah for 5 minutes, which is at 09.58 – 10.04 WIB. After that, it was announced that the participants who qualified for the next stage, namely the 5 best LKTIN participants and the 10 best participants of kpmp competition. Furthermore, information was given about the implementation of the next stage of the race and important dates of the implementation of GMM 2021 by the committee representative (Princess Cindy Shylvia). 

After that, the event ended with a reading of the do’a by Alyas and continued with a documentation session. The event finished early, which is at 10.17 WIB, while in the rundown the event is expected to finish at 11:00 PM. Overall the event went smoothly.

(Fatimah Azzahro)