Organizing a pioneering, superior, and dignified mathematics education program based on the latest mathematics education theory and research that integrates innovation, ICT, and the needs of the mathematics education community to create a community that is adaptive, collaborative, critical, creative and becomes a lifelong learner. The Scientific Vision of the Master of Mathematics Education Study Program is elaborated in the form of Study Program Objectives as follows:
- Producing Masters in Mathematics Education who have broad insights in their fields, have good personalities, have the ability to solve problems, have the ability to compile research in their fields as outlined in the form of scientific work, and have the ability to compete at the ASEAN level.
- Becoming a study program that is able to produce innovative research work in the field of Mathematics Education published in accredited national journals or refereed international journals.
- Applying the results of research and development in the field of Mathematics Education in the form of service for the benefit of the community as a tangible form of contribution to nation building.
- Disseminating innovative ideas in the development of mathematics learning as a result of comprehensive and sustainable studies.
To conduct professional educational activities in the field of mathematics education to prepare a reliable and globally competitive mathematical education workforce.
Develop human resource capabilities that have the competence of information-communication technology applications in mathematical learning.
Carry out innovative research and intensive studies to develop mathematical learning models.
Providing community service through seminars, workshops, conferences, symposiums, and training, to address various problems in mathematics education.
Develop extensive cooperation and networking with various institutions related to mathematics education programs at the local, regional, national, and international levels.
A. Sekelumit Mathematics Education Program
S3 Mathematics Education Program accredited A by BAN PT with Decree of the Chairman of BAN PT No: 013/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-X/D/I/2013 (effective January 10, 2013 to January 10, 2018); similarly, S2 mathematics education is accredited A with a Decree from the Chairman of BAN PT Dikti No. 463/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/XII/2014 (effective December 8, 2014 to December 7, 2019).
In addition to the National accreditation body of PT of Dikti, quality guarantor of ISO TÜV Rheinland, on Management System ISO 9001: 2008 (Management ID 9105061160) has also certified the Mathematics Education Program in both S2/S3, thus it can be said that the implementation of mathematics education for doctoral programs and master’s programs has followed the standards set by dikti and set by ISO TÜV Rheinland.
B. Learning Process
The learning process in the S2 Program includes: the study of mathematical concepts to improve critical and logical mathematical thinking skills; intensive discussion on various mathematics education issues; study of mathematical education research methodology both quantitatively, qualitatively and development research; class presentation; presentations at national seminars on current issues in mathematics education; scientific paper on theoretical studies and research results in the field of mathematics education submitted to national journals.
The learning process in the S3 Program includes: the study of mathematical concepts to improve critical, logical, and creative mathematical thinking skills; intensive discussion on various mathematics education issues; study of mathematical education research methodology; classroom presentation in the context of mathematics education in high school; presentations in national and international seminars/conferences/congresses on current issues in mathematics education; quantitative/ qualitative research/ intensive development in an effort to improve the mathematical capabilities of students through the latest learning models; the writing of scientific papers related to theoretical studies and the results of mathematics education research in accredited national journals and internationally referred journals.
C. Achievement of Mathematics Education Program
In order to maintain BAN PT accreditation in position A (Excellent), for S2 and S3, academic and managerial efforts have been done consistently ten, so that public confidence in the mathematics education program is also consistent and enduring. Professors in the mathematics education department are leading the way in leading the new findings in the development of the study. Such research in Dedactical Design Research and Metapedadidaktik in the field of mathematics education has opened up a new field in educational research that does not lead to monotony of research in the field of mathematics education, thus avoiding the term “running out of topics in research”. Research in ethnomathematicsis also a trend of studies that students, lecturers, and professors at UPI are starting to look at. In addition to the above findings, the field of technology in mathematics learning, has also been designed by a number of prospective graduates who have taken dissertations under the guidance of professors who master mathematics learning technology well. As well as a number of research in the field of mathematics education that follows global issues and international trends in mathematics learning, so that the original findings of students and lecturers become findings that deserve human rights. For the findings of HAKI has been initiated by Prof. Didi Suryadi, et al. research related to DDR. In addition, faculty at UPI also have cooperation with universities abroad, such as Prof. Yaya S Kusumah, Ph.D. in addition to testing doctoral candidates in an open promotion in the Netherlands, he also gave public lectures to students and lecturers at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Not a few UPI lecturers who act as external examiners of student dissertations from Australia, as well as being reviewers of renowned international journals. Research in the field of Algebra C* by Dr. Rizky Rojanuardi is an original pure field research, and in Indonesia is new at the University of Education Indonesia, so it can be said that he is the Pioneer for the presence of C* algebra in Indonesia. And there are many other skills that science seekers need to unearth. The study of realistic mathematics education stemming from the study of Didactical Phenomenology has also begun to be buzzed at the Indonesian University of Education. Everything is demonstrated for the achievement of the Leading and Outstanding University vision.
D. Integrated Mathematics Education Program
The mathematics education program has been integrated, so that s1, s2 and s3 become linear programs led by a Chairman of the Department of Mathematics Education. The management of lecturers in Mathematics Education because it is under one roof that is “integration roof” then the determination of lecturers in S2/S3 is based on expertise (specialization). In addition, lecturers in the s2 and s3 programs are also based on academic qualifications and ability, at the consideration of senior lecturers. In other words, senior lecturers provide recommendations, and provide coaching so that junior lecturers who meet the criteria can be asked to teach in the Graduate School of Mathematics Education Program.
E. Sandwich and International Cooperation
Students who meet the criteria to participate in the sandwich program,can apply to join the program 4-6 months abroad to gain experience with selected experts or appointed as hosts. This overseas experience can take the form of writing a dissertation proposal and more specifically on writing literature reviews. Therefore, the library support of the host university, becomes very important consideringthe completeness of the current learning resources and literature is easy to obtain in the host country. This can at the same time address the lack of resources in the country.
International joint cooperation such as with the National Institute of Education, Nangyang Technology University (in Singapore), Hiroshima University, Gunma University, and Shizuoka University in Japan, Monash University, University Technology of Sydney, Wolonggong University in Australia, as well as with the Dutch State University (Twentee University, Utrecth University) has provided scientific insight and work tips for students and lecturers so that habits and resilience of work have little influence from the work tips of professors at top universities.