>> Ta’aruf Bookmaking Requirements

1. Cover

  • Title : Ta’aruf Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI 2011
  • Color : omega 26 and omega 3 – Spotlight
  • Plastic cover (not book cover)

2. Fill in

  1. Made from A4 paper, it is divided into two parts like a book.
  2. Margin : right, left, top, and bottom 2cm each
  3. The first page is filled with biodata consisting of: Full name, nickname, NIM, Ttl, home address, bandung address, home school, hobby, no. contacts, e-mail addresses, facebook addresses, ideals, life mottos, potential possessed, photos (2×3) in the lower right corner with a signature and clear name underneath.
  4. The second page is filled with “Target 5 Years Ahead” with at least 10 targets.
  5. The third page of UPI’s BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ emblem.
  6. The fourth page is filled with the meaning of UPI’s BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ emblem.
  7. The fifth page is filled with UPI’s Hymne Himatika ‘Identika’.
  8. The sixth page is filled with UPI’s BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ management structure.
  9. Pages 7-21 are filled with introductory sheets with new students under the title SAHABAT BARU JURDIKMAT UPI 2011. Its contents consist of: Name, NIM, class, no. contact, ttl, home address, bandung address, ttd. Minimum 100 people.*
  10. Pages 22-30 are filled with a Management and Kepanitiaan Introduction Sheet titled AKANG TETEH JURDIKMAT UPI (fill in the same as point ‘i’). At least 50 people. * **
  11. Pages 31-34 are filled with lecturer’s Introductory Sheet entitled LECTURER JURDIKMAT UPI consists of: Name, NIP, courses taught, address, contact no. Minimum 20 people. *
  12. 20-page resume sheet.
  13. 4-page Strike Sheet.

* points 9, 10, and 11 are made into 8 equally large squares

**10 points are numbered in each top right corner of the introduction boxes