>> Three Students Make Achievements in the International Walisongo Science Competition (IWSC)

State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo Semarang held the International Walisongo Science Competition (IWSC). This event is the first international science competition organized by UIN Walisongo Semarang. Despite being the first time organizing, a total of 240 participants from 40 campuses participated in IWSC. The participants were not only from within the country, but also from abroad, namely Thailand, the Philippines, Pakistan, Rwanda, and others.


IWSC is an international competition that includes math, physics, chemistry, and biology. The event was held from May 1 to July 22 with 10 events. The series of events are registration, announcement of participants who passed the administration, simulation, implementation of the elimination stage, announcement of elimination results, Technical Meeting (TM) of the final participants, video collection, collection of video likes , announcement of winners and closing the event.


The jury of this competition amounted to 12 lecturers from various universities in 4 countries namely Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, and South Korea. Of the 4 fields that were contested, the following are the names of the champions from the UPI Mathematics Education Department who managed to carve their names for the field of mathematics:

3: Dian Lathifah (D-19)

8: Fiki Pebrian (C-19)

10: Lutfi Kurrotaeni


Congratulations to the winners!