>> UPI Hosts Selection phase III of the National Olympic Mathematics and Natural Sciences College (ON-MIPA PT)

In order to improve academic ability and student insight, the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs again held the National Olympic Mathematics and Natural Sciences College (ON MIPA-PT) in 2011.

This Olympic Games are aimed at all students in Indonesia. The fields include: Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; and Biology

It is an honor that UPI is hosting the Selection phase III of the National Olympic Mathematics and Natural Sciences College (ON-MIPA PT), this year.
In this phase III selection, 50 students will be attended by each field consisting of:

  1. Winner 1 and 2 of the selection results phase II ON MIPA-PT regional level;
  2. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place OSN-PTI in 2010;
  3. Students sent to represent Indonesia in the international competition or IMC (IMC) in the previous year if they still meet the requirements;
  4. Students with the highest grades of stage II selection (other than point a) as a whole to meet the quota of 50 students.

And the proudest thing is that for UPI’s own Mathematics education department, which qualified for the national level there are three people, among them:

1. Wulan (Sorority Class of 2007)

2. Winda Yulia (Student Class of 2008)

3. Sugiri Aryanto (Class of 2008 Students)